Nivel 1 : Básico
0. Video de Bienvenida
1. Formas de saludo
2. Los Colores
3. Estaciones del año
4. Días de la Semana
5. Meses del año3 Cuestionarios
6. Alfabeto en inglés
7. Artículo definido & Indefinido
8. Adjetivos demostrativos1 Cuestionario
9. Verbo To Be2 Cuestionarios
10. Verbo To Be en pasado1 Cuestionario
11. Números cardinales
12. Practiquemos los números
13. Los números que expresan años2 Cuestionarios
14. Presente Simple1 Cuestionario
15. Pasado Simple1 Cuestionario
16. 1ra Lista de Adjetivos
17. 1ra Lista de Verbos1 Cuestionario
18. Frases Verbales con el verbo To go
19. Ser capaz de
20. Estar a punto de
21. Auxiliar Can
22. Auxiliar podría
23. Frases verbales con el verbo To look
24. Números ordinales
25. La casa
26. La Familia1 Cuestionario
27. Las Fechas
28. Futuro Simple
29. Presente Perfecto1 Cuestionario
30. El clima
31. Frutas
32. Pronombres Reflexivos
33. Lugares
34. Profesiones
35. Repaso y Ejercicio de Gramática
36. Frases verbales1 Cuestionario
37. Comprensión lectora: La familia
38. Comprensión lectora Medios sociales
39. Comprensión lectora Autodisciplina
40. Comprensión lectora Michael Jordan
Read the following passage and answer the following questions.
What Jessica did yesterday
Yesterday, I woke up early and had breakfast. Then, I went to the gym for a workout. While I was exercising, my phone rang, and it was my friend inviting me to the movies. I told her that I couldn’t go because I am studying for my English exam. After the gym, I walked back home and found my sister cooking dinner in the kitchen. She was making spaghetti, one of my favorite dishes.
Later that evening, we all sat down for dinner and talked about our day. While we were eating, my dad mentioned that he will be traveling for work next week. He will be attending a conference in another city. My mom asked if he has booked his flight, and he replied that he will do it tomorrow.
After dinner, I cleaned up the dishes while my sister was watching TV. I told her that I am going to meet my friends for lunch tomorrow and asked if she wanted to join. She said she can’t because she is going to a yoga class in the morning.
As the night went on, I finished my English studying and decided to relax by reading a book. My friend called again, and I told her that I will go to the movies with her next week when my exam is over.
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Pregunta 1 de 5
1. Pregunta
Which of these sentences is in the past simple:
CorrectoIncorrecto -
Pregunta 2 de 5
2. Pregunta
When did Jessica clean up the dishes?
CorrectoIncorrecto -
Pregunta 3 de 5
3. Pregunta
What did Jessica do after waking up early?
CorrectoIncorrecto -
Pregunta 4 de 5
4. Pregunta
Why couldn’t Jessica go to the movies with their friend?
CorrectoIncorrecto -
Pregunta 5 de 5
5. Pregunta
Where will Jessica’s dad be traveling for work?